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Top Five Ways to Speed Up Your Invisalign® Results

Invisalign® in Atlanta and Marietta, GAWe have patients coming in every day to ask us about their Invisalign® options. Invisalign® is a great treatment option for patients who have minimal orthodontic concerns and wish to address them without the bulky appearance of braces. That being said, many of our patients are interested in learning how to speed up the extra time Invisalign® may take to address their concerns compared to traditional braces. Here are Dr. Wright’s top five ways to speed up your Invisalign® treatments for ultimate results.

1.      Keep All of Your Invisalign® Appointments

Your Invisalign® appointments may be frequent, but their frequency has a reason. Each appointment is aimed at tracking your alignment process and allows Dr. Wright to tweak your treatment properly for ultimate results. Delaying these appointments can ultimately delay your overall treatment plan, as Dr. Wright won’t be able to address your concerns properly.

2.      Wear Your Invisalign® as Directed

Your orthodontist will ask that you wear your Invisalign aligners for 20 to 22 hours each and every day. Dr. Wright suggests only taking your aligners out if you are eating, or brushing and flossing your teeth. The rest of the time you spend throughout the day and night, you should always have your Invisalign® trays in. Wearing your aligners for shorter period of time or skipping days with aligners may slow down your treatment and delay your desired results.

3.      Change Your Trays Out Regularly

Changing out your trays regularly goes hand-in-hand with keeping your Invisalign® appointments and wearing your trays as directed. Making sure you switch out your trays when you’re supposed to will keep your teeth shifting process on track with your original timeline. Delaying this change will ultimately delay your results.

4.      Ask Dr. Wright About Acceleration Techniques

Many of our patients did not know that acceleration techniques are available to help move the shifting process along. If you do qualify for an acceleration treatment, you may be asked to use a vibration device that fits over your aligners for up to 20 minutes each day. The micro-vibrations help facilitate your teeth’s movement, allowing for shifting to take place more easily.

5.      Consider Short-Term Cosmetic Braces

If you’re thinking to yourself “I just want my teeth to look better,” cosmetic Invisalign® aligners may be right for you. This alternative Invisalign® treatment only addresses the teeth that are visible when you smile. While you won’t get the added orthodontic benefits of shifting the rest of your teeth or adjusting your bite, you will be able to improve the look of your teeth in a shorter period of time.

If you’re interested in learning more about when or how to get started with your orthodontic treatment, we encourage you to contact us and set up your private consultation with Dr. Wright. He’ll be happy to sit down with you, listen to your concerns, evaluate your teeth, and develop a personalized treatment plan to help you get a smile you can be proud of.

How Often Do I Need to Wear my Invisalign®?

Invisalign® in Atlanta and Marietta, GAInvisalign® has quickly become a fan-favorite among patients who wish to improve their smiles without having to go through a traditional treatment with metal braces. That being said, there’s still a lot of misinformation spread about how easy Invisalign® is versus the results they provide. Dr. Wright and his team are here to let you know how often you need to wear your Invisalign® trays to achieve the best results from your Invisalign® treatment.

How Invisalign® Works

Invisalign® works by slowly shifting the position of the teeth over time using custom-made invisible aligner trays. Every one to two weeks, patients will be asked to change out their aligner tray for a new one that fits a little more snug against the teeth. Over a series of months, the small shifting in each aligner tray allows for real and dramatic results.

Your Invisalign® Results

Invisalign® results won’t happen overnight. That being said, many of our patients report being able to see a noticeable difference in their teeth’s appearance in as little as 10 to 12 weeks. Each patient is different and may require a different timeline to achieve their ultimate desired results. Most patients are typically able to reap the full benefits of their Invisalign® treatments within 18 months of putting in their initial trays.

How to Get the Best Results from Your Invisalign® Treatment

It’s important for our patients to know a few guidelines in order to achieve the best results from their Invisalign® treatments. Here are a few key notes Dr. Wright shares with each of his patients before fitting them for Invisalign® trays:

  • Patients are able to see the best results from their Invisalign® when they wear their trays between 20 and 22 hours each day. This means only taking out the Invisalign® trays to brush your teeth, floss, and eat.
  • In order to ensure you get the best results from your Invisalign® treatments, we encourage our patients to be diligent in keeping their maintenance appointments. Switching your trays often and seeing your orthodontist regularly can ensure you get the best results possible while you have your aligners.
  • Ask for help if you need it. Asking patients to be open and honest with us is a big priority we have at our office. You’re the only person that knows what’s going on with your teeth and how they feel. Ask Dr. Wright questions about your treatment if you’re unsure about something and always keep an open line of communication.

If you’re interested in learning more about when or how to get started with your orthodontic treatment, we encourage you to contact us and set up your private consultation with Dr. Wright. He’ll be happy to sit down with you, listen to your concerns, evaluate your teeth, and develop a personalized treatment plan to help you get a smile you can be proud of.

Everything You Need to Know About Zoom!® Teeth Whitening

Zoom!® Teeth Whitening in Atlanta and Marietta, GAWe all want bright, white teeth. That being said, sometimes brushing and flossing just isn’t enough. Dr. Wright and his orthodontic team are proud to offer in-house Zoom!® teeth whitening treatments that allow our patients to get the white teeth they desire. Let’s go over what you can expect when you trust Zoom!®

What is Zoom!® Teeth Whitening?

Zoom!® is a quick and comfortable teeth whitening treatment that we offer at our very own office. Not only will Zoom!® teeth whitening help our patient get the white smile they deserve, but it also works overtime to reduce staining caused by:

  • Smoking
  • Dark colored colas
  • Red wine
  • Coffee
  • Tea
  • Natural aging

How Does Zoom!® Teeth Whitening Work?

Unlike over-the-counter gels that sit on your teeth and break down your enamel, Zoom!® teeth whitening uses a 25 percent hydrogen peroxide solution. When activated with a specialized lamp, the Zoom!® solution penetrates through the enamel and bleaches stains on the actual tooth itself. This maintains the integrity and strength of your teeth while providing the results you desire.

How Many Zoom!® Teeth Whitening Treatments Will I Need?

The best part about our Zoom!® teeth whitening treatments is that you only need one to achieve your ultimate results. That’s right – you just need one treatment. Patients report being satisfied with the brightness and whiteness of their teeth for up to two years following their Zoom!® treatment.

How Do I Maintain the Results of My Zoom!® Teeth Whitening?

Following your in-house Zoom!® teeth whitening treatment, you will be given a take-home whitening kit to maintain your desired results. This kit will include a whitening tray that’s custom-fitted to your mouth to ensure you achieve the best results possible. Simply follow the directions in the kit provided by Dr. Wright to keep your smile as white as ever. We may also ask that you avoid consumption of food and drink that is known for staining teeth like coffee, tea, tomato sauce, red wine, and more.

If you’re interested in learning more about when or how to get started with your Zoom!® teeth whitening treatments, we encourage you to contact us and set up your private consultation with Dr. Wright. He’ll be happy to sit down with you, listen to your concerns, evaluate your teeth, and develop a personalized treatment plan to help you get a smile you can be proud of.

Your Different Options for Braces

Braces in Atlanta and Marietta, GAo, you’re interested in getting braces. Did you know there are more than one or two types of braces you can choose from? At Wright Orthodontics, we offer a variety of different braces options for our patients, so they can get the treatment they desire without having to sacrifice their desired look or timeline. Let’s go over each treatment option and the best options for those on a budget.

Metal Braces

Metal braces are what our patients typically think of when they think of braces. Characterized by the use of metal brackets and a silver wire running along the teeth, metal braces are the most popular among our younger patients for a few good reasons. Not only are metal braces more affordable than other treatment options, but they are also one of the most durable braces a patient can receive. This means you don’t have to worry about maintenance as often as you would with alternative options.

Ceramic Braces

Ceramic braces are the first alternative we offer that is most similar to the traditional metal braces we all know. Ceramic braces also require the use of brackets and a wire, but they tend to be more discrete. Instead of metal brackets, ceramic braces use brackets that more closely match the natural color of your teeth. Using a durable clear wire also aids in the illusion of not having braces at all. Ceramic braces are a great option for adult patients who require braces but want to maintain a more professional look.

Lingual Braces

Lingual braces are the most different alternative treatment that you may find. Lingual braces are similar to metal braces, however, the metal brackets are bonded to the backside of the teeth rather than the front. This creates a much more discrete appearance among our patients who wish to shift their teeth on the sly. That being said, lingual braces are difficult to care for and a little more expensive than our more traditional options.


Invisalign® aligners have taken the orthodontic world by storm over the past several years. These invisible aligning trays are custom-fitted to your teeth and jaws, allowing you to shift your teeth gently over time without the appearance of bulky metal braces. Invisalign® is a popular choice among adult patients who wish to improve their smile without disrupting their current appearance.

What if I Can’t Afford Braces?

If you’ve thought about receiving orthodontic treatment in the past but stopped because of pricing, look no further than treatment with Wright Orthodontics. We understand that everybody has a different financial situation, which is why we’re proud to offer affordable treatment plans with flexible financing options that allow you to pay for your braces at your own pace.

If you’re interested in learning more about when or how to get started with your orthodontic treatment, we encourage you to contact us and set up your private consultation with Dr. Wright. He’ll be happy to sit down with you, listen to your concerns, evaluate your teeth, and develop a personalized treatment plan to help you get a smile you can be proud of.

Which Braces Work Fastest? Invisalign® vs. Metal Braces

Metal Braces in Atlanta and Marietta, GAWhen it comes to patients choosing their options for braces, one of the biggest factors most of our adult patients tend to look at is their timelines. We live in a world of instant gratification, so seeing our patients want their results fast isn’t a surprise. Let’s go over our two most popular treatments – metal braces and Invisalign® – and compare the time commitment needed for each.

What are Metal Braces?

Metal braces are what we traditionally think of when we think of braces. These braces require bonding small metal brackets to the teeth and threading a silver wire through them to shift the position of the teeth and jaws. Many patients who receive metal braces may also be asked to use rubber bands to further enhance the shifting powers of the braces and increase your results over a shorter period of time.

How Long Do Metal Braces Take to Show Results?

The answer to this question truly depends on the type of alignment or shifting you require to achieve your desired results. It also depends on how diligently you come in for your maintenance appointments, how often you break your brackets, and how often you wear your rubber bands if you need them. That being said, we typically see our patients needing metal braces for anywhere between 12 and 36 months.

What is Invisalign®?

Invisalign® is a more modern approach to traditional metal braces. Invisalign® treatments involve the use of invisible aligner trays that are custom-fitted to your teeth and jaws. Every week or two, you will be asked to switch out your trays and replace them with a newer, more snug-fitting pair. Over time, patients will see changes in the position and crowding of their teeth.

How Long Does Invisalign® Take to Show Results?

Like with braces, the answer to this question is individual to each and every patient. How long you need your Invisalign® trays will vary depending on your teeth’s starting positions, how often you wear your aligners, how well you keep up with your regular maintenance appointments and more. When all is said and done, we typically find our patients achieve their desired results within 6 to 18 months.

Is Invisalign® or are Metal Braces Quicker?

In the grand scheme of things, Invisalign® aligners tend to provide patients with the results they desire in a shorter period of time than braces do. That being said, Invisalign® aligners are best for patients who do not require a large amount of intervention with their teeth. Patients who have more complex issues with their jaws and teeth may require the use of metal braces for treatment. The best way to find out which aligners are right for you is to schedule your private consultation with Dr. Wright.

If you’re interested in learning more about when or how to get started with your orthodontic treatment, we encourage you to contact us and set up your private consultation with Dr. Wright. He’ll be happy to sit down with you, listen to your concerns, evaluate your teeth, and develop a personalized treatment plan to help you get a smile you can be proud of.

What’s the Best Age to Get Braces?

Braces in Atlanta and Marietta, GAGetting braces is a common, yet frustrating thing for many of our patients. One of the most interesting questions we get asked all the time is “When is the best time for me or my child to get braces?” In reality, there is no perfect answer to this question. Let’s go over some braces basics so you can get a better feel for when your perfect time for braces is.

What Braces Do

Braces are classified as any teeth or jaw alignment treatment. While we typically think of metal braces when we think of braces, our teeth alignment treatments can be in the form of invisible aligners, lingual braces and more. Braces work to slowly shift the position of the teeth and jaws over time so patients can achieve a perfectly healthy and aesthetically pleasing smile.

Patients typically associate having braces as a pre-teen or teenager, as that’s the age most parents seek out orthodontic help for their children. But, is this really the best time for braces to come into play?

The Best Ages for Braces

While there is no perfect time for a patient to get braces, we typically recommend parents who are interested in getting braces for their children to do so between the ages of 10 and 14. These four years tend to be a more optimal time for our patients to receive braces for the following reasons:

  • Children between 10 and 14 are likely to have all or most of their permanent teeth.
  • Children between 10 and 14 still have softer bone tissue than older patients.
  • Children between 11 and 13 have typically lost all of their baby teeth, but have not yet seen their second molars appear.

Each of the above factors play into being able to address the patients’ permanent teeth alignment while still being able to manipulate the pliable and growing bones within the jaw. This makes for an easier shifting process and quicker results compared to patients with fully formed jaws and hard to shift molars.

When to See an Orthodontist

While the “ideal” age for patients to get braces is between 10 and 14, many orthodontic professionals suggest bringing your child in to see their first orthodontist as early as seven years old. While your child won’t be getting braces this young, your orthodontist can start taking preventative measures to ensure your child’s oral development is going smoothly. Preventative intervention may include the use of a retainer at night or expanders throughout the day.

Braces as an Adult

No matter what anyone says, getting braces as an adult is always an option. Many of our adult patients didn’t have the means to receive braces growing up and are finally able to align their teeth a little later in life. For our adult patients, we take the time to address their individual needs and encourage them to consider options like Invisalign®, which provides a slower alignment with a discrete look.

If you’re interested in learning more about when or how to get started with your orthodontic treatment, we encourage you to contact us and set up your private consultation with Dr. Wright. He’ll be happy to sit down with you, listen to your concerns, evaluate your teeth, and develop a personalized treatment plan to help you get a smile you can be proud of.

Orthodontic Office Closed? Here’s How to Care for Your Smile Between Orthodontic Visits

Whether it is mandated, or you’ve placed your family under self-quarantine, you may be unsure of when you’ll be back in your orthodontist’s office for treatment. Remember, you are also a partner in the process and your oral health care doesn’t end between visits.

Here are a few tips for caring for your teeth in between now and your next visit:

1. Clean your teeth multiple times a day.

If you’re sporting an orthodontic appliance, either braces or aligners, keeping your teeth clean is important no matter the situation. Follow the guidelines noted in step two below to ensure you’re doing the job well.

2. Use what you have at home.

You likely have all the supplies you need already. A little water, your toothbrush, some floss and toothpaste go a long way.

Rinse your mouth with water after drinking a sugary or acidic beverage. Brush your teeth and gums after every meal or snack. Floss once a day. And don’t forget to look in the mirror to make sure you’ve cleaned thoroughly each time.

3. Wear your elastics or retainers as prescribed.

Keep your orthodontic treatment on track by following the recommendations of your orthodontist. Running low on rubber bands? Don’t worry. Call your orthodontist to come up with a plan to get your hands on more.

4. Avoid problematic foods and drinks.

Due to the potential uncertainty of when you will be able to visit your orthodontist, it is especially important to handle your appliances with care. Avoid hard, sticky foods that could potentially break brackets. Skip or limit sugary beverages like sports drinks and soda. Water is best!

5. Call your orthodontist if you have any questions.

Your orthodontist is still there for you, even if they aren’t in the office. Contact them if you have any concerns during this time.

These are just a few steps you can take to help keep things on track with your orthodontic treatment. A little extra effort on your end now will pay off big time when you get back into your orthodontic routine.

Trust an AAO orthodontist

You can work with an American Association of Orthodontists (AAO) Orthodontist to achieve a healthy, beautiful smile at any age. Orthodontists are experts in orthodontics and dentofacial orthopedics – properly aligned teeth and jaws – and possess the skills and experience to give you your best smile. Find an orthodontist near you at

Handling Orthodontic Issues at Home

Due to COVID-19, your orthodontist’s office may currently be postponing any non-emergent appointments and you may be wondering how to handle potential orthodontic issues at home. While there are steps you can take to temporarily fix or alleviate discomfort and prevent additional damage, your orthodontist should always be notified. Contact them if you have any concerns during this time.  Many times, they may be able to handle the issue over the phone or virtually through video communication.

During this time, make sure to stay in contact with your orthodontist about when they plan to reopen if you need to have any appointments rescheduled. For many offices, information regarding this is available on practices’ Facebook pages and/or websites.

Tools + Supplies

With these tools and supplies on hand, you will be prepared to handle the most common orthodontic issues

  • Orthodontic relief wax
  • Dental floss
  • Disinfected tweezers
  • Q-tips
  • Salt
  • Interproximal brush
  • Toothpicks
  • Non-prescription pain reliever (acetaminophen or ibuprofen)
  • Topical Anesthetic (such as Orabase or Ora-Gel)

Lost O-ring

An “O” ring is the tiny rubber band or sometimes a very thin wire (ligature), that holds the orthodontic wire in the bracket/brace. If a rubber o-ring should come off, you may be able to put it back in place using disinfected tweezers. If a wire ligature comes loose, simply remove it with the tweezers. If the wire ligature is sticking out into the lip but is not loose, it may be bent back down with a Q-tip or pencil eraser to eliminate the irritation.  Should this happen, be sure to contact your orthodontist to notify them and come up with a plan for repair. Note: self-ligating brackets don’t use o-rings.


It’s normal to have some discomfort during orthodontic treatment as your teeth move however it should not last longer than a couple days. Rinsing your mouth with warm salt water and over-the-counter pain relievers, such as acetaminophen or ibuprofen, may alleviate some discomfort.  If the discomfort lasts longer than a couple days, be sure to call your orthodontist to discuss.

Mouth Sores

Some patients are susceptible to episodes of mouth sores. While braces do not cause them, they may be precipitated or exacerbated by an irritation from braces. One or several areas of ulceration of the cheeks, lips or tongue may appear. This is not an emergency but may be very uncomfortable. Prompt relief may be achieved by applying a small amount of topical anesthetic (such as Orabase or Ora-Gel) directly to the ulcerated surface using a cotton swab – reapply as needed.  If after a couple days the discomfort does not resolve, call your orthodontist to discuss.

Irritation in Mouth

Sometimes braces or wires can be irritating to the mouth, especially when eating. A small amount of orthodontic relief wax makes an excellent buffer between metal and mouth. Simply pinch off a small piece and roll it into a ball the size of a small pea. Flatten the ball and place it completely over the area of the braces causing irritation.  Wax can be purchased at any drug store if you are unable to get some from your orthodontist during this time.

Protruding Wire

Occasionally the end of a wire will work itself out of place and can irritate the mouth. Use a Q-tip or clean tweezer and try to push the wire so that it is flat against the tooth. If the wire cannot be moved into a comfortable position, cover it with relief wax. Should changes with your wires occur during this time be sure to contact your orthodontist to make them aware of the issue.

Loose Braces or Bands

If the braces or bands have come loose in any way, call your orthodontist to determine appropriate next steps.

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Trust an AAO orthodontist

You can work with an American Association of Orthodontists (AAO) Orthodontist to achieve a healthy, beautiful smile at any age. Orthodontists are experts in orthodontics and dentofacial orthopedics – properly aligned teeth and jaws – and possess the skills and experience to give you your best smile. Find an orthodontist near you at

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3019-B North Druid Hills Rd NE Atlanta, GA 30329

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990-B Whitlock Avenue NW Marietta, GA 30064

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  • Monday: 8:30 am – 5:00 pm
  • Tuesday: 8:30 am – 5:00 pm
  • Wednesday: 8:30 am – 5:00 pm
  • Thursday: 8:30 am – 5:00 pm
  • Friday: 8:30 am – 5:00 pm
  • Monday: 9:00 am – 5:00 pm
  • Tuesday: 9:00 am – 5:00 pm
  • Wednesday: 9:00 am – 5:00 pm
  • Thursday: 9:00 am – 5:00 pm
  • Friday: 9:00 am – 5:00 pm
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