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Every field of medicine is improving with the development of technology. Orthodontics is no different.

Now you can spend less time in braces while getting more precise results. SureSmile allows this to happen. The technology enables orthodontists to take digital scans of patients’ teeth. By using these scans, doctors can find the best way to design custom wires for that specific patient.

SureSmile® Braces in Atlanta and Marietta, GA

Doctors use the SureSmile program to find the best direction to move their patients’ teeth. Orthodontists utilizing SureSmile technology can ensure the braces direct teeth in a precise direction which can reduce the amount of time patients spend in braces by as much as a third. Less time means fewer appointments and out of braces sooner!

Additionally, the braces’ wiring is sculpted by robots rather than the traditional method of by hand. This limits the margin of error within the wire so it more precisely matches the patient’s teeth and the doctor’s prescription.

The wire’s reshaping is triggered by the patient’s body heat. The unique Shape Memory Alloy is light weight. It remembers the original shape the metal was in and uses heat – in this case, a person’s natural body heat – to move back into that original form.

The developing technology all comes together to benefit the patient. These innovative techniques cause patients less pain and less time. SureSmile is leading in the field of correcting misaligned teeth and giving patients a beautiful and bright smile.

To learn more about SureSmile and other orthodontic options, please contact Dr. Marc S. Wright at 404-507-2078. We will work with you to find a treatment plan that both meets your needs and your budget.