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Dr. Marc S. Wright is a renowned orthodontist and experienced in a variety of dental issues that stem from the teeth and jaw. The most common issues treated at Wright Orthodontics are described below.

Abnormal eruption

Humans have both a temporary and permanent dentition that are more commonly known as baby and permanent teeth. Normal dentition would include having your baby teeth fall out and be replaced by, what we call, erupting permanent teeth within the span of a few months. An abnormal eruption is when the permanent tooth grows in the wrong place. This can be corrected through extraction, or by placing a type of orthodontic wire to move the tooth into the proper position.


A crossbite is a misalignment of the front or back teeth (or both) and if it is left uncorrected it can be detrimental to your health. Braces are a common tool to help fix this problem, but the type of which is dependent on the type of crossbite and how bad it is.


Crowding is a common problem that occurs when there are too many teeth to fit in the mouth. This can cause failure of teeth to come through the gums and can cause severe pain to the patient. Depending on the cause of the crowding, treatment can either be extraction or braces.

Excessive spacing

Abnormally large spaces between teeth can be caused either by genetics or because the patient has missing teeth. Spacing should be corrected to prevent gum problems that stem from lack of protection and allow the teeth to function properly. For this particular problem, diastema braces are a common solution.


An overbite is defined as when the lower teeth bite into the roof of the mouth. Depending on the severity of the condition, this can cause the teeth to cut into the roof of the mouth, which can lead to further health problems. Invisalign® is an increasingly popular selection for the treatment of this problem, but regular braces will work as well.


This problem can be caused by genetics or childhood habits, and the results can include discomfort in the jaw and teeth as well as difficulty chewing. Treatment can be imperative to improving your self-confidence and overall mental health. Invisalign® is another popular treatment option for this problem.

If you’re interested in improving the quality of your dentition for health concerns that include your mental health, you should contact our highly trained staff of Wright Orthodontics to schedule your appointment today.