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One of the most popular alternatives to braces, Invisalign®, gets its name from the fact that it is practically invisible on the teeth. Because Dr. Marc S. Wright is an Invisalign® provider, we put this article together to provide patients with a better understanding of how this product can work for them.

How Invisalign® works

Each aligner of Invisalign® is custom made to fit the teeth of the patient and is used to slowly push and pull the teeth back into a predesigned place. Each set of aligner trays is worn for two weeks before being switched out to another to continue the process of fixing the teeth. The aligners themselves are made from a smooth and clear material to make the product discrete and unnoticeable to others.

Treatment process

Invisalign® is used to treat a number of dental issues such as crooked or gapped teeth. It is used to straighten and correct teeth in a way that is subtler than braces and was designed to be removed. This makes it easier to keep your teeth clean while eating and drinking and is perfect for people who prefer an easier treatment process that doesn’t interfere as much with their day-to-day activities.

Difference between Invisalign® and braces

While both braces and Invisalign® can handle simple and complex cases, only Invisalign® does so while remaining virtually invisible. Invisalign® is designed with material that provides a more controllable path for teeth movements. It prevents injuries that can be sustained from wires and sharp brackets as well as general pain. Patients of Invisalign® have reported that it is easier to see results after each stage in comparison to braces.

For patients with issues ranging from overbites to crooked teeth, Invisalign® can be a more appealing alternative to braces that could crowd the mouth and call attention to dental problems. Dr. Marc S. Wright is exceptionally experienced with this treatment process, and our offices in Marietta and Atlanta, Georgia will help you remain comfortable and well taken care of. If you’re looking to improve your dental health or correct a problem to improve your self-confidence, our offices are happy to help. Please contact us to schedule your appointment today.