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Orthodontics in Atlanta and Marietta, GABraces create many pockets for harmful plaque buildup. Even though patients visit with Dr. Marc S. Wright once a month, regular oral hygiene is really a responsibility of the patient. In order to maintain and properly clean your teeth, it requires daily dedication. There’s no doubt that keeping your mouth clean and healthy will guarantee a mouth full of shining, straight teeth when your braces are removed. Follow these simple steps from Dr. Marc S. Wright to avoid discoloration and cavities during your orthodontic treatment.

Brush After Every Meal

If you can keep food from getting stuck in the natural crevices of the teeth, you are more likely to avoid the buildup of plaque. At Wright Orthodontics we recommend brushing your teeth after each meal to dislodge bits of food from between your teeth and brackets. When brushing, make sure to focus on all the surfaces of your teeth, from front and back to top and bottom. Brush for at least two minutes and spend most of your time focusing on the hard to reach places in the very back of your mouth. If brushing causes you pain Dr. Marc S. Wright recommends investing in toothpaste for sensitive teeth.

Use an Interdental Toothbrush

Your toothbrush will likely need replacing more often when you begin brushing with braces. We often recommend our patients purchase an interdental toothbrush, which can make it easier to get between your brackets and in hard to reach places.

Floss Twice Per Day

At the very minimum, you should brush and floss twice per day – regardless of whether or not you are an orthodontic patient. However, flossing is more important than ever when you are wearing braces. Many of our patients find that floss threaders or floss picks make it easier to get between your teeth than standard string floss. While flossing, pay attention to getting the floss under your gum line on both sides of your tooth, then massage between your teeth and gums to dislodge any lingering bacteria or plaque. You may choose to rinse with water or an oral rinse with fluoride. Fluoride is your best friend while wearing braces; not only does it prevent cavities, but it can reduce the chances of staining.

See a Professional Regularly

Finally, the most important step in maintaining your oral health while wearing braces is to attend regular checkups with your orthodontist. At Wright Orthodontics, your health and comfort are our top priorities. Dr. Marc S. Wright will work with you to make sure you get the best possible results from your orthodontic treatment.

Although paying so much attention to brushing and flossing might sound cumbersome, the majority of our patients find the more they pay attention to their oral hygiene routine, the less work brushing and flossing becomes. If you keep your mouth clean, brushing will be a breeze.

Contact us at Wright Orthodontics today at our Atlanta or Marietta office to learn more about keeping your braces clean and our full service orthodontic treatments.