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Improve Your Invisalign® Results with the iTero® Scanner

One of the biggest drawbacks of the otherwise amazingly beneficial Invisalign® treatment system is the need to return to the office to take new updated teeth impressions for new aligners. Well, we are happy to announce that the process of getting new Invisalign® aligners is now faster, more accurate, and more comfortable than ever before thanks to the iTero® Scanner.

Orthodontic Retainers in Atlanta and Marietta, GA

In less than 15 minutes the iTero® Scanner can take a complete blueprint of your mouth. The iTero® Scanner is specifically tailored to work with Invisalign®, resulting in less hassle and more comfort for our Invisalign® patients.

The Most Precise Way to Secure Impressions

The iTero® Scanner features a wand-like instrument that emits safe, harmless light to scan the inside of the mouth and teeth. The computer program scans each and every tooth individually and in real time, resulting in far more accurate scans and 3D models. These results give orthodontists the power to control the minute details in a patient’s Invisalign® treatment. The iTero® Scanner is the most comfortable way to take impressions as opposed to biting down on gross molds – no more goop! The iTero® Scanner is comfortable and pain free for all patients regardless of the treatment type.

7x Fewer Visits to the Orthodontist

Orthodontists using the iTero® Scanner with Invisalign® across the country have reported seven times fewer fit issues and 10 times fewer aligner rejections when compared to older conventional impression procedures (goop impressions). Less problems for you means fewer visits to the office.

Learn More About the iTero® Scanner

Interested in learning how the iTero® Scanner could benefit you and your Invisalign® treatment? Come see us at Wright Orthodontics so we can help you start your journey to a fantastic smile using the iTero Scanner. Contact us today at either our Atlanta or Marietta office to schedule a consultation.