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Our patients with an overbite frequently inquire whether Invisalign® is a potential solution. The answer is “yes!” Invisalign® is a technologically-advanced orthodontic treatment that uses clear aligner trays to straighten teeth without being very noticeable. They are offered to adults seeking orthodontic treatments because they require more diligence and responsibility on the part of patients to consistently wear and care for them.

In its inception, Invisalign® was used to treat mild issues such as overcrowding and minor teeth realignment. As the treatment progressed, Invisalign® has been recommended for more orthodontic issues, including an overbite.

What is an Overbite?

An overbite is a dental condition in which the upper teeth noticeably protrude out from the lower teeth when the mouth is closed, and teeth are clenched together. It may result from thumb sucking, tongue thrusting, excessive use of bottles or pacifiers, or, simply, genetics.

For those with an extensive overbite, it is common for the upper teeth to protrude over the bottom lip (horizontal overbite). When adults suffer from overbites and want to correct their teeth, they may be even concerned about the awkwardness of wearing metal braces.

How Does Invisalign® Fix an Overbite?

Invisalign® is used most often in patients with mild to moderate orthodontic issues. Unless the overbite is severe, orthodontists can fix an overbite with Invisalign®. The key to successful treatments for overbites is following the protocol and wearing the aligners continuously to ensure the teeth are moved into the correct position.

With Invisalign®, clear aligner trays are worn about 22 hours a day – all the time except when eating and brushing. Over time, the aligners push protruding teeth back and into their proper position. Every two weeks, new trays are placed over the teeth to continue the process of moving the teeth.

Patients with overbites typically require treatment times of up to two years depending on the extent of the protrusion. Once the treatment is complete, they must wear retainers to ensure their teeth stay in place until the gums and bones around the teeth are able to secure the teeth.

What About Severe Overbites?

Severe overbites may require a more extensive protocol such as traditional metal braces. This is due to the control that the wire and brackets have in shifting teeth back into their correct positions then pushing them back to diminish the overbite. Some severe overbites require orthodontic treatments to expand the skeletal area of the mouth to accommodate the repositioning of the teeth.

Can Overbites be Prevented?

Overbites can be minimized or prevented by averting childhood habits like thumb sucking and nail-biting. When genetics is at play, early intervention is important. The American Association of Orthodontists recommends children see an orthodontist as early as age seven.

Let’s Correct Your Overbite

Adults with overbites have options to correct their misaligned teeth. Schedule a consultation with Dr. Marc S. Wright to see if Invisalign® or another treatment is the best option to correct an overbite.