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The American Association of Orthodontics recommends children see an orthodontist at age seven for an initial evaluation. This gives orthodontists a base of comparison as they grow and allows them to determine if there are any issues that might require early intervention. The most common issues that create orthodontic challenges include crooked or overcrowded teeth, gaps, misaligned jaws, speech issues and teeth misalignments.

#1: Crooked or Overcrowded Teeth

Whether baby teeth fell out too early or teeth just seemed to come in out of alignment, the result is crooked teeth. Crooked or overcrowded teeth can easily make people feel self-conscious about their appearance, especially when smiling. Luckily, orthodontics can reposition teeth for a bright and bold smile.

#2: Too Much Space Between Teeth

While some children have problems with overcrowding, others have too much space between their teeth. Braces straighten teeth to close the gaps.

#3: Speech Concerns

Speech impediments such as lisps are often due to the misalignment of the teeth. Orthodontics repositions teeth so that they are properly aligned thus greatly diminishing or eliminating common speech issues.

#4: Misaligned Jaw

One of the many benefits of orthodontics is the ability to realign the jaws so that they fit together as they should. This is something that orthodontists may detect during early intervention.

Orthodontics corrects a host of problems within the mouth and structure of the face, whether functional or cosmetic. If you’re interested in seeing an orthodontist, please contact us to set up a consultation with Dr. Marc S. Wright today.