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Zoom!® Teeth Whitening in Atlanta and Marietta, GAThe Zoom® teeth whitening system is an innovative teeth whitening system that removes stains and lightens tooth enamel in a quick and safe manner. During this treatment, your teeth can become up to eight shades lighter, giving you the shiny white smile you’ve always wanted.

How Does Zoom!® Work?

Over time our teeth become discolored due to staining and wear and tear. Zoom!® whitening exfoliates the stains inside your teeth so they can go back to being their natural color.

Only one whitening session is needed to whiten your teeth. During the treatment, a hydrogen peroxide gel of 25 percent is used, and there will be three 15-minute sessions. Your lips, gums and eyes are protected and covered from the UV light, which activates the hydrogen peroxide. As the hydrogen peroxide is broken down, oxygen enters the enamel and dentin to bleach the stained substances, leaving the structure of the tooth unchanged. Between each session, the gel is removed from the surface of your teeth and a fresh layer of whitening gel is used.

The entire procedure takes only an hour or less time to complete.

Zoom!® Teeth Whitening brings your teeth back to their natural shade. But since every person’s natural tooth color is different, no two patients will have the same results.

The treatment varies with each patient, depending on the amount of whitening that has to be done.

How to Maintain Your Results

You will be given a Zoom!® home-use touch-up kit that includes custom-fitted whitening trays. Follow your dentist’s instructions for when and  how to use this touch-up kit.

To help maintain the whitening effects of your Zoom!® treatment, you should avoid certain foods and beverages (or consume them in moderation) to avoid re-staining your teeth. Some of the items you should avoid are red wine, cola, coffee, tea, berries and red sauces.

Another source of teeth staining is tobacco. If you smoke, your dentist will recommend that you quit.

To help prevent future staining, maintain a good oral hygiene regimen of brushing and flossing and see your dentist regularly for scheduled teeth cleanings.

You may also want to use toothpaste that contains whitening agents to help maintain your results.

As stains begin to build up again, you may want to have another Zoom!® whitening treatment. Some people whiten their teeth annually, while others do it every few years. It really depends on the person, the types of food and beverages they consume, whether they are a smoker and other variables.

To learn more about Zoom!® whitening, contact us for more information or to schedule a consultation. Wright Orthodontics has two convenient locations to serve you in Atlanta and Marietta, Georgia. As always, your initial consultation at Wright Orthodontics is offered free of charge with no hidden fees.