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Zoom!® Teeth Whitening for Men and Women in Atlanta with Sensitive Teeth

Zoom!® Teeth Whitening in Atlanta and Marietta, GA

Zoom!® Teeth Whitening in Atlanta and Marietta, GAZoom!® is a bleaching process that is widely used to lighten discoloration of enamel and dentin. Tooth discoloration can have many causes – aging, smoking, or drinking dark liquids like red wine, coffee, tea and cola.

Before the Zoom!® teeth whitening procedure, an anti-sensitivity toothpaste can be used to help reduce sensitivity from the treatment.

The entire whitening procedure only takes about an hour or less. Immediately after the procedure, a sensitivity-reducing fluoride paste-gel is applied to the teeth to help reduce sensitivity.

Tooth Whitening and Sensitivity

Your teeth are covered in tiny, microscopic pores called tubules. The Zoom!® tooth whitening treatment opens these pores so the whitening agent can penetrate deep into the teeth. After a treatment, it is not unusual for sensitivity to occur for a couple of days. Since these pores were opened, anything that you expose your teeth to may irritate them and cause some pain – food, drinks or even just your breath may cause some sensitivity. While some people won’t notice anything out of the ordinary, others will have more sensitivity. Here’s what you can do to manage the discomfort:

  • Take an over-the-counter pain reliever like ibuprofen for a couple of days
  • Try breathing through your nose, not your mouth
  • Drink from a straw
  • Avoid any extreme hot or cold foods and beverages
  • Use an anti-sensitivity toothpaste
  • Use a fluoride rinse to reduce sensitivity

Patients with Sensitive Teeth

Before deciding whether the Zoom!® teeth whitening treatment is right for you, your dentist will conduct a comprehensive examination of your teeth and gums to ensure proper health. Your dentist will also discuss your oral hygiene and lifestyle habits to determine if you will benefit from Zoom!® teeth whitening.

If you’ve been thinking about Zoom!® Teeth Whitening, but you’ve got sensitive teeth, you may want to discuss it with your dentist. While the process is successful in at least 90 percent of patients, if you have very sensitive teeth, periodontal disease or teeth with worn enamel, this process may not be right for you.

To learn more about Zoom!® whitening, contact us for more information or to schedule a consultation. Wright Orthodontics has two convenient locations to serve you in Atlanta and Marietta, Georgia. As always, your initial consultation at Wright Orthodontics is offered free of charge with no hidden fees.

Top Foods that Contribute to Bad Breath and What to Do About It

Suffering from bad breath? You may want to take a look at what you eat. Even if you have good dental hygiene, brush twice a day and floss once a day, you can still suffer from bad breath, and it could be a result of your diet.

What Causes Bad Breath?

The most common cause of bad breath, also called halitosis, is bacteria. Bacteria form from the residual food and dead cells left in the mouth after eating a meal. Brushing and flossing are very important and removing residual food particles and dead cells. It is also important to clean the tongue, as it is often overlooked when brushing and can contain contribute to bad breath.

Some foods, like coffee and garlic, can make your breath smell for hours due to the ingredients and compounds in them.

  • Garlic and onions – Garlic and onions top the list of foods that cause bad breath. The smelly sulfur compounds in both onions and garlic are absorbed into the bloodstream and are expelled when you exhale, causing bad breath.
  • Coffee and alcohol – Coffee and alcoholic drinks encourage oral bacteria growth, which can lead to bad breath. They can also dry out your mouth, reducing saliva creation. Less saliva means the smell-causing bacteria can live longer in your mouth.

There are some foods you can try to improve the smell of your breath, like water and gum.

  • Water – Water helps flush the mouth to free lodged food and encourage the production of saliva. Saliva helps to cleanse the mouth of bacteria.
  • Sugarless gum – Chewing gum can loosen the food stuck in teeth and gums, and promote the production of saliva. In addition, sugar-free gum has a sweetener called xylitol, which is effective for inhibiting bacteria.

Possible Medical Conditions Causing Bad Breath

If you have improved your dental hygiene and diet, and still suffer from halitosis, it may be time to consult a doctor or dentist. Common health issues that cause halitosis include periodontal disease, xerostomia, and ketoacidosis.

  • Periodontal disease is a serious inflammation of the gums that can cause tooth and bone damage and causes bad breath.
  • Xerostomia is a condition of dry mouth resulting from reduced or absent saliva flow.
  • Diabetic ketoacidosis is a buildup of acids in your blood caused by high blood sugar levels. These high blood sugar levels can cause a fruity breath smell.

Wright Orthodontics encourages patients in the Atlanta and Marietta areas to contact us with any questions or concerns about dental hygiene.

Why Over the Counter Teeth Whitening Products are Not the Answer to a Long Term Solution

Zoom!® Teeth Whitening in Atlanta and Marietta, GATeeth whitening is one of the most common treatments patients ask us about. It is easy to acquire teeth stains – especially if you are a sugar lover or avid coffee drinker – and tough to get rid of them. It is common for patients to want their teeth whitened after they have their braces removed to give their smile that extra shine. Others want their teeth whitening to make up for past poor dental health. Teeth naturally get darker with age, but there are ways to reverse this process.

How well do over the counter treatments really work?

There are hundreds of over the counter teeth whitening products available from strips, to special lights and toothpaste, to mouth guards. You may see a small difference from using over the counter treatments, but they are generally much weaker than a doctor’s treatments and don’t last very long.

Over the counter whiteners can only contain up to 10 percent peroxide, while prescription strength whiteners can contain 20 to 40 percent peroxide. Whitening toothpaste and mouthwash are generally too weak to make any real, lasting difference. White strips work, however, they are still less effective than a doctor’s treatments. They’re also a hassle to use and can cause tooth sensitivity if you don’t follow the directions exactly.

What should I use to whiten my teeth instead?

At Wright Orthodontics, we offer a safe, effective method to whitening and brightening teeth. We use Philips Zoom!® WhiteSpeed Teeth Whitening System to provide a level of whitening that just can’t be achieved with over the counter treatments. A bleaching gel is applied to the teeth, which is then activated by ultraviolet light. The Philips Zoom!® WhiteSpeed Teeth Whitening System removes even the toughest, deepest stains from teeth, and it only takes an hour!

Are you ready for a whiter, brighter smile?  Wright Orthodontics serves the communities of Atlanta, Marietta, and other surrounding areas of North Georgia. Dr. Marc S. Wright and our friendly staff at Wright Orthodontics are ready to help you with your teeth whitening and/or orthodontic needs. Schedule a consultation or call (404)-507-2078 to learn more.

It’s Hot! Hydrate with Water When You Wear Braces, Not Soda!

Braces in Atlanta and Marietta, GAThe hottest time of the year is here!  Whether swimming, playing sports, taking beach trips, or exploring outside, you’ll be sure to work up a sweat. It’s important to stay hydrated to beat the heat. Soda and sports drinks are tasty, but water is really the smartest choice to replenish your fluids, especially if you have braces.

Why are sodas and sugars bad for braces?

Soda pop contains damaging acids that can weaken enamel, leading to tooth sensitivity, discoloration, and other dental issues. Sports drinks are full of sugar, and too much sugar can lead to painful cavities and discoloration. These treats can be enjoyed in moderation, but regular intake can lead to serious dental problems that you’d much rather avoid.

What else should I do to keep my teeth healthy with braces?

When you have braces, it’s even more important to keep your dental health in check. On top of monitoring your soda and sugar intake, avoid sticky foods like candy and chewing gum. You should also be wary of foods that can easily get stuck in your teeth, like popcorn or nuts. Of course, you should always make sure your brush and floss thoroughly.

Should I still get my teeth cleaned by the dentist?

Even though you have regular visits with your orthodontist, it’s also important to keep up a routine visit with your dentist for teeth cleaning. You’ll need to get your teeth cleaned more often than usual while your braces are on.

Braces are an investment in your smile, and you want to do everything you can to ensure you have straight, shiny teeth when you get your braces off. If you don’t take care of your teeth when you have your braces on, you’re putting yourself at high risk for tooth decay and discoloration. You don’t want white marks where your braces used to be.

Are you ready to straighten out your, or your child’s, smile with braces?  Come visit Dr. Marc S. Wright at Wright Orthodontics. Dr. Marc S. Wright is here to help. He and his team are committed to creating beautiful smiles for every patient while exceeding expectations in the process.

Wright Orthodontics serves Atlanta, Marietta, and the surrounding areas of North Georgia. Schedule a consultation online or call (404)-507-2078 today.

How Can Sour Food Affect Your Teeth?

Orthodontics in Atlanta and Marietta, GAWe all know that feeling of tasting something sour. Your cheeks may pucker, you might squint your eyes, yet somehow it is a flavor that is ever growing in popularity. From lemonade to gummy worms, sour foods are often a surprisingly delicious treat. However, your teeth do not feel the same way. While you may enjoy the taste of a sour candy every now and then, your teeth can feel repercussions long after that puckered feeling has passed, and the damage can be even worse if you have braces or other orthodontic appliances.

What is so bad about sour foods?

Oftentimes when we eat food, we do not consider the effects the food will have on our teeth. We get caught up in the flavors and the textures and forget that our teeth require care before, during, and after a meal, not just when we wake up and go to bed. But certain foods, particularly sour foods, can do some serious damage to your teeth.

The acidity that comes with sour foods can greatly damage the enamel on your teeth. Enamel is the hard, outer layer of the tooth that protects it. In fact, enamel can dissolve almost immediately after you eat the sour food. Sounds scary, right? With braces it can get even scarier. Because braces sit on your teeth, they create hiding places for foods and consequently the acids that come with them to sit even longer on your teeth, which leads to more opportunity to dissolve your enamel and cause permanent damage to teeth.

How to prevent damage from sour foods

The most common sour foods are sour candies, which often take the form of gummies. So if you have braces, avoid them totally since you are not supposed to be eating gummy food anyway. However, if you do eat sour foods, make sure you rinse out your mouth after you eat to get the acids moving away from your teeth. You may feel inclined to immediately brush your teeth, but this can actually do more damage to your enamel. It is best to wait about an hour after you finish eating to brush your teeth.

To learn more about sour foods and your teeth or to schedule an appointment, contact Dr. Marc S. Wright in Atlanta and Marietta, GA at (404) 507-2078.


The Proper Hygiene to Take Care of Your Teeth

Orthodontics in Atlanta and Marietta, GASometimes braces can feel like an extra hassle. However, you know the results are worth it. To get to those results, though, you need to take care of your teeth throughout the whole process. Making sure you use proper hygiene can help you get to your beautiful smile easier and faster.


Brushing habits

One of the most important factors in oral hygiene is brushing your teeth. People tend to only think about brushing their teeth when they wake up and before they go to bed and maybe after lunch, but this may not enough. When you have braces, you need to brush your teeth more often so that plaque does not build up. The easiest way to form a healthy brushing habit is to brush your teeth after every meal. With retainers, make sure they get ample brushing as well. Brush them at least twice a day.



If you are unable to brush, then rinse. Simply rinsing with water can help flush food particles out of your mouth.


Ways to keep breath smelling fresh

Bad breath is never fun, and it can be particularly bad when you have braces trapping food and consequently its after-smells in your mouth. Here are some ways to keep your breath smelling fresh:

  • Make sure you brush regularly. Keeping your teeth clean helps take out the smell at its source.
  • Flossing is also a major key in removing those hard to get particles leftover from your meals. If you can’t brush your teeth at the moment, at least rinse your mouth out to get rid of looser particles.
  • Keep your tongue clean. People often forget to brush their tongues, but they can be equal if not worse offenders when it comes to holding bad odors in.
  • Avoid stinky foods. Garlic and onion sit in your mouth and marinate into one bad odor if you aren’t careful.


For more information or to schedule a consultation, contact Dr. Marc S. Wright in Atlanta and Marietta, GA at (404) 507-2078.



Eating With Braces: Do’s and Don’ts

Braces in Atlanta and Marietta, GABraces can sometimes feel restricting. Who wouldn’t feel a little held back with metal in their mouth? However, that beautiful smile you know you will get to show everyone makes it all worth it. In order to get to that smile the fastest and easiest way possible, it’s necessary to take care when it comes to what foods you eat or don’t eat. This may sound like just another thing to keep track of in your or your child’s life, but in the end it can save you from doing damage to your braces, which would have kept you from that smile even longer.

What can’t you eat?

When it comes to what to eat with braces, it’s much easier to figure out what to avoid. The list is not that long! The main thing to keep in mind is that if you find yourself wondering if a food is okay to eat with braces, you probably should not eat it. Better safe than sorry definitely applies here. To give yourself a general idea of what not to eat, follow these guidelines:

No sticky or chewy food: as tempting as they are, a lot of candies are off limits. Stay away from things with caramel and gummy textures. Gum is a BIG no!

No hard food: hard candies and nuts, for example, can do a lot of damage to thin wires.

No biting into tough food: apples, carrots, and corn on the cob will tear up your braces. We don’t want any dislodged metal in that mouth! You may still have these foods by substituting them with applesauce, steamed carrots, and corn that has been cut off the cob.

No crunchy food: popcorn is your worst nightmare when it comes to braces. Avoid it and other crunchy food like chips or ice.

How to take care of your braces post-meal

It’s always important to make sure your teeth stay clean after you eat, but with braces it is particularly important and a little more difficult. Make sure that you brush and floss your teeth after you eat to keep scraps out of the nooks and crannies of your braces. Flossing may seem difficult with all those wires, but it will get easier with time. Without proper cleaning, your teeth can end up damaged if food sits on them, unmoved.

For more information or to schedule an appointment, contact Dr. Marc S. Wright at (404) 507-2078 with locations in Atlanta and Marietta, GA.


Hygiene Tips for Those Who Wear Braces

One of the most difficult things when first getting braces is learning how to properly care for them. It can be overwhelming knowing when to brush, how to do so, the best way to floss and when to floss. How do you know if you’re doing it right?Braces in Atlanta and Marietta, GA

Proper flossing

While the wires can make flossing harder, it is still possible and very important. You just need to take your time and be careful. You should floss at least once a day, preferably just before bed. The most important part of flossing is to focus on sliding the floss along the side of the tooth and under the gum line. Floss threaders allow you to more easily get the floss under the archwires. Super Floss® is a helpful tool to save time when flossing also.

Proper brushing

It’s advised to brush after every meal or at least flush your mouth using warm water. At a minimum, you should brush your teeth twice a day with a special emphasis in the evening. You should brush for a full two minutes with a soft-bristled brush. You want to pay attention to brushing the surface between the brackets and the gum, between the brackets, under and over the archwires, and all other surfaces of your teeth along with gently brushing your tongue. The main difference is that the bristles on your brush may wear out more quickly due to the added strain of brushing your braces.

How to know if you have an issue

As long as you maintain good oral hygiene, you really shouldn’t have problems. However, the most common issues are gingivitis – symptoms include bleeding gums and occurs when plaque builds up along the gum line – which can turn into periodontitis if untreated. The other most common issue is white spots permanently staining the area around your braces. The best way to avoid this is to thoroughly brush all surfaces around the brackets.

To learn more about braces, hygiene and other orthodontic options, please contact  Dr. Marc S. Wright at 404-507-2078.

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