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What is SureSmile and How Does it Work?

Every field of medicine is improving with the development of technology. Orthodontics is no different.

Now you can spend less time in braces while getting more precise results. SureSmile allows this to happen. The technology enables orthodontists to take digital scans of patients’ teeth. By using these scans, doctors can find the best way to design custom wires for that specific patient.

SureSmile® Braces in Atlanta and Marietta, GA

Doctors use the SureSmile program to find the best direction to move their patients’ teeth. Orthodontists utilizing SureSmile technology can ensure the braces direct teeth in a precise direction which can reduce the amount of time patients spend in braces by as much as a third. Less time means fewer appointments and out of braces sooner!

Additionally, the braces’ wiring is sculpted by robots rather than the traditional method of by hand. This limits the margin of error within the wire so it more precisely matches the patient’s teeth and the doctor’s prescription.

The wire’s reshaping is triggered by the patient’s body heat. The unique Shape Memory Alloy is light weight. It remembers the original shape the metal was in and uses heat – in this case, a person’s natural body heat – to move back into that original form.

The developing technology all comes together to benefit the patient. These innovative techniques cause patients less pain and less time. SureSmile is leading in the field of correcting misaligned teeth and giving patients a beautiful and bright smile.

To learn more about SureSmile and other orthodontic options, please contact Dr. Marc S. Wright at 404-507-2078. We will work with you to find a treatment plan that both meets your needs and your budget.

Why should I wear a retainer after braces?

After spending months taking care of braces, the idea of wearing retainers can be exhausting or even overwhelming. However, not keeping up with after-braces-care can reverse the entire process.

The use of retainers is vital to keeping your teeth in their new position. Without the use of retainers, your teeth can move back to how they were before braces. Studies have shown that the first six months after taking braces off is the most vital to maintaining the new location of your teeth. This is why most often patients are asked to wear their retainers day and night for six months after first having their braces removed. Usually, if the patient’s teeth remain in their new position, they’ll eventually be able to wear the retainers during sleep only.

There are also other types of retainers, fixed or bonded retainers. These consist of wire that stretches across the back of a patient’s upper and lower front teeth with the help of dental cement. These are harder to clean and take more effort to maintain, but also usually lead to the best outcome because they are constantly in place and cannot be moved.

How long a patient needs to wear retainers varies based on the individual. To learn more about braces and other orthodontic options, please contact Dr. Marc S. Wright at 404-507-2078. The initial consultation is free and staff will work with you to find a treatment plan that both meets your needs and your budget.

Orthodontic Retainers in Atlanta and Marietta, GA
Removable Essix Retainer
Orthodontic Retainers in Atlanta and Marietta, GA
Removable Hawley Retainer
Orthodontic Retainers in Atlanta and Marietta, GA
Fixed/Bonded Retainer







Hygiene Tips for Those Who Wear Braces

One of the most difficult things when first getting braces is learning how to properly care for them. It can be overwhelming knowing when to brush, how to do so, the best way to floss and when to floss. How do you know if you’re doing it right?Braces in Atlanta and Marietta, GA

Proper flossing

While the wires can make flossing harder, it is still possible and very important. You just need to take your time and be careful. You should floss at least once a day, preferably just before bed. The most important part of flossing is to focus on sliding the floss along the side of the tooth and under the gum line. Floss threaders allow you to more easily get the floss under the archwires. Super Floss® is a helpful tool to save time when flossing also.

Proper brushing

It’s advised to brush after every meal or at least flush your mouth using warm water. At a minimum, you should brush your teeth twice a day with a special emphasis in the evening. You should brush for a full two minutes with a soft-bristled brush. You want to pay attention to brushing the surface between the brackets and the gum, between the brackets, under and over the archwires, and all other surfaces of your teeth along with gently brushing your tongue. The main difference is that the bristles on your brush may wear out more quickly due to the added strain of brushing your braces.

How to know if you have an issue

As long as you maintain good oral hygiene, you really shouldn’t have problems. However, the most common issues are gingivitis – symptoms include bleeding gums and occurs when plaque builds up along the gum line – which can turn into periodontitis if untreated. The other most common issue is white spots permanently staining the area around your braces. The best way to avoid this is to thoroughly brush all surfaces around the brackets.

To learn more about braces, hygiene and other orthodontic options, please contact  Dr. Marc S. Wright at 404-507-2078.

You Want Your Smile to Leave a First Impression

You never have a second chance to make a first impression, so it’s important to make sure the first impression is a good and lasting one. Unsurprisingly, when it comes to making a good first impression, your smile can really make or break it.

Our basic behaviors such as smiling, gestures and appearance, are psychological cues designed to communicate nonverbally. This is what makes them so critical in first impressions. Through your gestures, posture, and even smile you are actively communicating with someone even before you are verbally communicating with them! Does your smile reflect what you want it to say about you?

First and foremost, smiling communicates positivity and sets the tone to an interaction upfront. A healthy smile not only communicates positivity and sets the tone, but studies also show that a great deal more is perceived from straight, healthy, pearly white teeth.

Did you know that straight, pearly white teeth are perceived to be an indicator of confidence, success, trustworthiness, a good social life, and even a good personality? According to a recent perception study conducted by Kelton for Invisalign®, researchers found that the alignment of teeth is a catalyst for assumptions regarding popularity, intelligence, success, and general health. The survey of over 1,000 people nationally provides a deeper look at how important your smile can really be in leaving a good first impression.

The significance of a first impression is so profound that it can even affect your consideration for jobs and love life. Because speaking is our primary form of communication, your smile almost always has an audience. That audience is making decisions about you based on not only the things you say but the aesthetics too – including your smile! That’s why it is important to make sure your teeth look their best and represent who you are as an individual.

While the impression you leave on others is reason enough to ensure your smile is straight and bright, there are other benefits for the individual.  People with a great smile tend to have more outward confidence. Those with teeth that are discolored, misaligned or otherwise not “in-shape” may feel less confident and therefore refrain from engaging with others.

Your healthy smile begins with a healthy everyday care routine including brushing and flossing. Regular check-ups and cleanings by a professional also help to keep your pearly whites looking their best. For things such as missing, crooked, and broken teeth, there are options. Many of which you can discuss with Dr. Marc S. Wright. From invisible braces to implants and professional whitening the options to achieving your “million-dollar smile” are numerous! Dr. Marc S. Wright and his team are always happy to guide you toward the best way to keep your smile healthy and bright, feel free to call us with any questions.

Managing the Holidays with Braces

Braces come with a lot of special care requirements. With the holiday season right around the corner, there are a lot of hidden challenges to face in relation to the care and keeping of your braces and oral hygiene. From travel to holiday foods, not all the holiday hazards are avoidable. With diligence, common sense and a few extra steps can help you stay on track to a beautiful smile.

Holiday Foods to Watch Out For

There are everyday foods your orthodontist will advise against eating when you have braces. This is to prevent damage and protect the overall health of your teeth. Nuts, popcorn, hard candy, and caramel are all things that make the “what not to eat” list.  The tricky part of the holiday season for braces wearers is the abundance of these hazardous treats. Whether it’s caramel apples to ring in the fall or pecan pie at big holiday meals, these seasonal treats are still potentially damaging. Though it is best to continue avoiding these foods, it doesn’t mean all holiday treats are off the list. Look for softer treats such as pumpkin pie, ice cream, fruit cups, gelatin desserts, and even thinly sliced apples dipped in chocolate or yogurt. Having braces doesn’t mean you can’t enjoy holiday treats. It just means to continue using the same care and consideration you would on any other day.

Holiday Hygiene

Traveling and added sweets during the holiday season make managing your oral care routine extra important. Normally, The American Association of Orthodontists recommends that patients brush and floss after eating sweets, but you may want to take it a step further according to some dentists. Brushing as soon as five minutes following a meal or snack is another recommendation.

Overall, it is important for orthodontia wearers to remember to dedicate extra time to brushing and flossing properly. It may help to keep a travel toothbrush and supplies handy. Though it is not a substitute for brushing, rinses may be especially pivotal to maintaining oral health when access to running water to brush teeth is not available, such as during holiday travel. Don’t forget bottled water is always a usable option in lieu of potable sink water!

The holidays are a season for celebration and family time. Even with braces, you can indulge and enjoy this time of year. Just be sure to watch out for treats that may be a hazard to your smile and always remember to maintain the cleaning routine and practices as directed by your orthodontist. Dr. Marc S. Wright and his team are always happy to guide you on the best way to keeping your smile healthy and bright. Feel free to call us with any questions.

Tips for Flossing With Braces

Getting braces comes with a variety of new oral care challenges and special steps. Flossing with braces is one such challenge that people regularly face, and it isn’t always easy. To help, here are three quick tips to make the process easier and ensure your teeth are getting properly cleaned:

1. Use Waxed Floss
Regular uncoated flosses can get stuck and shred more easily in the wires and brackets of braces. Waxed floss and dental tape are more durable when maneuvering. There are even specially designed floss products for those with braces.

2. Give Yourself Enough Floss
Most people don’t realize how much floss they should actually be using every time. It’s recommended to use about 18 inches of floss every time. (Yes, that’s a foot and a half!) You should be using a clean floss segment or section every time you move from tooth to tooth. This helps remove germs and bacteria more effectively.

3. Thread & Maneuver Carefully
Braces are a delicate obstacle to flossing. First, thread the floss carefully under the main wire before passing it through the pair of teeth. Trying to pass it through the teeth first, can damage wires if not done gently and make it more difficult overall to floss. It is also best not to snap the floss and instead move it up and down gently along the sides of each tooth.

Other dental care products can help ease the flossing process when you have braces. Floss threaders and water picks can be used with braces and are all designed to help keep your smile healthy and bright. Dr. Marc S. Wright and his team are always happy to help you get the technique just right and answer any questions you may have. Contact us today!

Eating with New Braces

Once your braces have been affixed to your teeth, you will probably discover that your choice of foods is now limited. Dr. Marc S. Wright, our Atlanta and Marietta orthodontist, would like each of our patients who wears braces to have a positive experience as their teeth are being treated.

Even though modern braces are sturdy, they must still be treated with care. This means you should stick to eating foods that are gentle on your brackets and wires holding your braces in place. You probably already know to avoid eating foods that are hard, crunchy, or sticky. Soft foods are usually fine to eat for those wearing braces since they are simply so much gentler on your oral hardware.

From the moment we put your braces on, we explain to you how important it is to avoid certain types of foods that can damage or even break your braces including sticky, tough, crunchy, and hard foods. You were also told you must alter your usual eating habits somewhat since the brackets cannot withstand the stress of biting. Your brackets could come away from your teeth and break if you bite into foods while wearing them. Should this occur regularly, you may need to wear your braces longer than normal, meaning you must wait even longer to finally see your new smile.

This may leave you wondering what you can actually eat. The good news is you can enjoy a variety of foods and snacks without worrying if you are damaging your braces. Sometimes, you can still enjoy the same foods as before, but with minor alterations. For example, you could still eat pizza if you cut it up into smaller pieces and chew only with your back teeth. Other examples of foods that can be eaten this way are soft tacos, hot dogs, hamburgers, and soft fruit.

Foods to Enjoy While Wearing Braces

  • Soft fruits such as oranges, grapefruit, tangerines, nectarines, and kiwi
  • Vegetables that are steamed until soft
  • Tender meats such as turkey, meatballs, soft-cooked chicken, and lunch meats
  • Dairy products such as soft cheeses and yogurt
  • Seafood including salmon, tuna, crab cakes, and cod
  • Snacks such as applesauce, pudding, smoothies, bananas, jello, and ice cream
  • Grains including pasta and soft-cooked rice
  • Eggs and soup
  • Soft breads such as biscuits, muffins, pancakes, and soft tortillas

These are just a few examples of the many foods you can eat while wearing braces. Just keep in mind to avoid sticky, gooey, hard, or crunchy foods that may damage your braces. Remember to not bite down hard on something that may break your braces. If you feel a temptation to eat a food such as corn-on-the-cob, you can always remove the kernels before eating.

Should you have any questions or concerns regarding what foods you can eat when wearing your braces, feel free to contact our Atlanta and Marietta offices for more information.


Why do braces cause white marks on my teeth?

Decalcification is the loss of calcium in the enamel of teeth resulting in white, chalky marks. This happens quite frequently to patients that wear braces. However, it is not caused by the braces themselves.

Braces Before and After Pictures Atlanta, GA      Braces Before and After Pictures Atlanta, GA

Poor oral hygiene is the major cause of decalcification. When food is not removed from around the braces, it mixes with saliva and becomes acidic bacteria. If the bacteria are not removed, it will destroy the nutrients that protect the enamel leaving the teeth susceptible to decalcification and decay. Minor decalcification is reversible by a dentist; however, major decalcification requires dental bonding to correct.

The best prevention of decalcification is good oral hygiene. Brushing thoroughly at least 3 times a day is critical to remove food and bacteria before it can damage the teeth. Rinsing after drinking sugary drinks also helps remove damaging sugars from the mouth and around braces. Flossing daily removes bacteria around the gum line to prevent swelling of the gums which can trap bacteria underneath.

When brushing with braces, it is necessary to tilt the toothbrush so that you can brush between the bracket and the gum while getting underneath the wires. You also want to brush the front of the bracket and the edges or biting surfaces of the teeth. All food and white, fuzzy bacteria must be removed when brushing. If you are unsure that you have removed everything, ask your orthodontist for disclosing tablets. Disclosing tablets will show you the bacteria you left behind after brushing.

Wright Orthodontics instructs each patient how to brush and floss effectively when braces are applied. If you have any questions or concerns about caring or cleaning for your braces ask an assistant or Dr. Marc S. Wright for additional instructions so that you can have a beautiful smile when your braces are completed!

Wright Orthodontics

Before & After Smile Gallery

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  • Monday: 8:30 am – 5:00 pm
  • Tuesday: 8:30 am – 5:00 pm
  • Wednesday: 8:30 am – 5:00 pm
  • Thursday: 8:30 am – 5:00 pm
  • Friday: 8:30 am – 5:00 pm
  • Monday: 9:00 am – 5:00 pm
  • Tuesday: 9:00 am – 5:00 pm
  • Wednesday: 9:00 am – 5:00 pm
  • Thursday: 9:00 am – 5:00 pm
  • Friday: 9:00 am – 5:00 pm
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