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What to Do If You Break a Bracket

It happens. The brackets on braces sometimes break for various reasons whether brushing too hard or eating the wrong foods. And it never fails — it always seems to happen at the most inopportune moments like the weekend or at night. Don’t panic – we have you...

Associated Risks of Crown Lengthening

When a tooth is cracked, broken or has an aesthetic issue, a crown is often placed over it. A crown is simply a tooth-colored cap that fits over the affected tooth. It restores strength and full function of the tooth. There are situations in which dentists may...

The Pros and Cons of Mouthwash

Truth be told, mouthwash offers a lot of benefits to those who use it; however, it definitely is not a one-size-fits-all solution. Advantages of Mouthwash Protects from Cavities – Most mouthwash contains fluoride which is also in toothpaste. Fluoride adds a...