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Can Invisalign® Fix an Overbite?

Our patients with an overbite frequently inquire whether Invisalign® is a potential solution. The answer is “yes!” Invisalign® is a technologically-advanced orthodontic treatment that uses clear aligner trays to straighten teeth without being very noticeable. They are...

Foods That Turn Your Teeth Yellow

There are foods that dull the whiteness of your teeth, making them look yellow. With that in mind, we want to give you a list of some of the foods that make your teeth yellow. Lemons and Other Acidic Foods People often put lemon in their water and eat healthy foods...

4 Ways to Remember to Wear Your Retainer

One of the most important parts of orthodontics is wearing the retainer once your actual treatment plan is complete. We understand you may not want to wear it or simply forget to put it in your mouth, but if you don’t wear it as we recommend, your gorgeously straight...