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5 Things Adults with Braces are Sick of Hearing

We’ve outlined some of the most common questions and inquiries our adult patients with braces face as they return to their lives after having their braces put on (with some spot-on responses).

#1: “Did you not wear your retainer when you were younger?”

Our suggested response: “Of course, I wore my retainer. My teeth shifted, so I decided to invest in my smile again. Would you like my orthodontist’s contact information?”

#2: “How long do you have to wear them?”

Our suggested response: “I’m not sure, but if I follow the instructions and do what the orthodontist says, it shouldn’t be long. I’m looking forward to the results. I know I’ll smile all the time!”

#3: “Do you and your kids have the same orthodontist?”

Our suggested response: “Yes, as a matter of fact, we do. He’s great and does an amazing job. Let me know if you would like the phone number to make an appointment.”

#4: “How do you eat with those things in your mouth?”

Our suggested response: “One of the reasons I wanted Invisalign® was so I could remove the trays when I eat and brush my teeth. My kids have metal braces, so they must be careful with what they eat.”

#5: “You got braces? How old are you?”

Our suggested response: “Braces are not just for kids and teens. I want a confident smile so why shouldn’t I wear them as well?”

Braces are For Adults Too

At Wright Orthodontics we treat a lot of young children, but we also treat a lot of adults. Braces can be right for you regardless of your age. Contact our office to learn how braces might be right for you or someone in your family.

Five Dental Trends to Avoid

It seems that there are a growing number of trends to adorn the body, especially the face. Dental trends continue to make their way onto the scene whether via adornments or unsafe dental care products. We’re all for being fashionable, but some dental trends should just be avoided…

#1: Bedazzled Teeth

Even though you may think it is a creative way to enhance your appearance, bedazzling your teeth can be very dangerous. The risks include slight discoloration that takes place when worn for a short amount of time to more detrimental issues like wearing the protective coating off your teeth. The results leave your teeth open to infections and even permanent damage. We recommend you leave the bedazzles to your clothing.

#2: Creating a Gap Between the Front Teeth

Georgia May Jagger and Vanessa Paradis are just some of the rich and famous who sport a gap in their front teeth. It is important to remember that their gaps are natural and forcing your mouth to create a gap in your teeth can be detrimental to your overall oral health.

#3: Tongue Piercings and Gauges

A tongue gauge is a piercing that is expanded to the size of a hole. Your tongue plays an important role in your ability to eat, chew, swallow, drink and speak. Piercings and gauges threaten the basic function of your tongue and create the possibility of infection and bacteria growth. In addition, the hardware living permanently in your mouth creates a choking hazard.

#4: Grills

Grills are decorative covers that people put over their teeth usually made of gold or another precious metal. Some are even encrusted with stones like diamonds. From Ryan Lochte to Rhianna and even Madonna, celebrities bling their teeth (or one tooth) trying to look cool and individual. However, whether they are permanent or temporary, grills can lead to tooth decay because they interfere with brushing and flossing best practices.

#5: Charcoal Toothpaste

Charcoal can be used to treat a lot of health issues, but we don’t recommend it for whitening your teeth. Charcoal toothpaste scraps away a layer of the tooth enamel making your teeth much more susceptible to future problems.  If you want white, healthy teeth, practice good oral hygiene, see your dentist for professional cleanings and ask about whitening treatments if you think you need it. Leave the charcoal for your grill (the one outside, not the gems on your teeth).

The best way to have a great set of teeth and a healthy mouth is to see a dental professional on a regular basis. Dentists suggest two professional cleanings a year and treatments as needed to correct problems when they arise. Contact us to schedule a consultation and professional cleaning so you can achieve and maintain optimal oral health.

iTero® Scanner vs. Impressions

Have you had to have impressions made of your teeth? It’s one of the first steps taken when getting braces or other restorative dental treatment. The impression is a negative imprint of hard teeth that gives an orthodontist a birds-eye view of the current position of your teeth, so he or she can determine the best treatment plan.

The problem is that the material used is universally understood to be “yucky.” In fact, impressions may be one of the worst parts of braces application… but not at Wright Orthodontics. At our practice we use the iTero® Scanner in place of traditional impressions.

More Accurate Picture

With the iTero® Scanner, not only does an orthodontist get a full picture of the patient’s mouth and teeth, but he or she sees a 3D picture of how the mouth and jaws fit with the entire facial structure.

Reduced Patient Stress

The process of taking traditional impressions is stressful to some patients. If the impression isn’t taken correctly, it must be repeated. With the iTero® Scanner, the digital impressions are taken quickly and accurately, which reduces the stress of being at the dentist or orthodontist.

Much Less Time to Complete

Digital impressions like those taken with the iTero® Scanner take much less time to complete than when using traditional dental impressions. In fact, most often the impressions are taken within about five minutes.

Immediate Results

Because the iTero® Scanner takes impressions digitally, the results are instant, which leads to faster treatment times during appointments.

Less Possibility for Errors

Traditional impressions leave more room for error than digital impressions. Small distortions from the impressions may cause the restoration or orthodontics to be poor fitting. With the iTero® Scanner, trained staff members can see the images immediately and retake them if they are not satisfied with what they see. Furthermore, they can enlarge the image on the screen to get an even better visual of what they want to see.

Dr. Marc S. Wright uses the iTero® Scanner on patients receiving orthodontic treatment with Invisalign® so that he can provide the most accurate images of teeth for the clear aligner trays. If you are interested in finding out more about orthodontics or Invisalign®, contact us today to schedule a consultation.

What to Do If You Break a Bracket

It happens. The brackets on braces sometimes break for various reasons whether brushing too hard or eating the wrong foods. And it never fails — it always seems to happen at the most inopportune moments like the weekend or at night. Don’t panic – we have you covered. There are steps you can take to “fix” a broken bracket until you are able to get in touch with us for an appointment.

Assess the Situation

Look at the bracket and make sure the wire is not poking into your gum (more on this below). If the wire is in place, use a cotton swab to press the bracket into place and use orthodontic wax to hold it there until you can get your child to see us. For brackets that have broken, try and remove it from the wire and bring it to the orthodontist to reapply.

Check Out the Wires

If a bracket in the back has broken, the wire may poke into the gums, which can be painful and cause bleeding. The wires are easy to snip and can be cut back by adults to lessen discomfort. If the wires are too short to cut, use orthodontic wax or a pencil eraser to cover the wire until you can seek care.

Call Our Offices

Call us as soon as possible to let us know what has happened so we can assess the situation over the phone. If it is not too serious, we’ll schedule an appointment the next business day to repair the brackets and continue treatment. For serious issues or breaks, we may ask you to meet the doctor at the office as soon as possible to prevent further injury to your mouth.

Be Careful

It is important to take good care of your braces until you can be seen the following day. Be careful about what you eat sticking to soft foods to avoid further damage. Gargling with salt water is also a good idea to help any abrasions from the brackets or wires heal quickly.

Proper Care = Fewer Issues

Braces are affixed to the teeth with strong adhesive, but there are always exceptions. Doing everything you can to care for your orthodontics is the best way to prevent broken brackets. Follow the instructions we provide to care for your orthodontics and be sure to keep your appointments. We encourage our patients to reach out to Dr. Marc S. Wright with any questions. Contact our office to get your questions answered by a professional.

Associated Risks of Crown Lengthening

When a tooth is cracked, broken or has an aesthetic issue, a crown is often placed over it. A crown is simply a tooth-colored cap that fits over the affected tooth. It restores strength and full function of the tooth.

There are situations in which dentists may recommend increasing the length of a crown. For example, this is a common recommendation for patients with “gummy” smiles. When this procedure is performed, a dentist or periodontist may re-contour the gum and even bone to expose more of the tooth’s surface to securely fit a crown. While it is a safe procedure when performed correctly, there are some risks that should be addressed.


If you’ve ever experienced tooth sensitivity, you know the feeling. When more of the tooth is exposed, you may have more sensitivity to either hot or cold. For most patients, this is temporary; however, it may be permanent.


Crown lengthening is considered oral surgery which involves bleeding. It typically lasts about an hour following the surgery; however, some patients experience bleeding for longer time periods. If this happens, oral surgeons provide coagulants to help stop this complication.

Risk of Infection

As with any surgery, there is a risk of infection which may affect the tissue or the bone if not treated. This may be due to poor dental hygiene during the recovery or messing with the incisions. Patients may have an infection if they experience the following symptoms: redness, excessive pain, fever, severe swelling or discolored gum tissue. Some of the symptoms are common with surgery, but if they do not resolve themselves or get worse, it is important to call the doctor’s office to check for infection.

Ineffective Procedure

If the procedure is not performed by an experienced dental professional, crown lengthening may result in an ineffective procedure. This happens if the crown is not placed on the tooth securely or the tooth is loose. With an unsuccessful crown lengthening, the outcome may be tooth extraction or make it difficult to place an implant.

Longer Looking Tooth

Immediately following the procedure, the new crown may appear longer than the others. Once the healing process completes and any sensitivity greatly diminishes, the dentist can correct the appearance of the tooth to make it blend with the other surrounding teeth.

Successful Results

Crown lengthening can create or restore a beautiful, confident smile when performed by a qualified professional. The associated risks are easily minimized and preventable when following the directions provided by the professionals performing the procedures. For anyone considering crown lengthening, it is imperative to consult with a qualified dental professional such as an oral surgeon or periodontist.

The Pros and Cons of Mouthwash

Truth be told, mouthwash offers a lot of benefits to those who use it; however, it definitely is not a one-size-fits-all solution.

Advantages of Mouthwash

  • Protects from Cavities – Most mouthwash contains fluoride which is also in toothpaste. Fluoride adds a layer of protection against plaque. Additionally, mouthwash kills bacteria that tends to stick to teeth and lead to tooth decay.
  • Helps Prevent Gum Disease – Plaque can easily develop in the areas around the gums especially when people do not floss regularly. While mouthwash is not a replacement for flossing, it provides a little more protection and helps prevent gum disease.
  • Freshens Breath – Ever notice how people take a swig of mouthwash, rinse, spit and then forcibly exhale to feel the mint? Mouthwash freshens breath which in turn makes the mouth feel clean.
  • Whitens Teeth – Some mouthwashes contain teeth whitener to help whiten teeth when used on a continual basis. It’s not meant to be a teeth whitener; however, it can help brighten teeth.
  • Soothes Sores – Canker sores can be so painful. Mouthwash can sooth sores and even help them heal a little faster. Regular use may even aid in preventing them.

Disadvantages of Mouthwash

  • Mouth Irritation – If too much is used, or the mouthwash has alcohol, it may irritate the inside of the mouth.
  • Harmful if Swallowed – With some mouthwashes, the ingredients are harmful if swallowed. While adults know not to swallow, children may not understand and drink it if they can open it. That’s why a child-proof lid is on many bottles of mouthwash.
  • Dries Out Mouths – This mostly pertains to those that contain alcohol and happens to people who use it too much. Alcohol-based mouthwashes can lead to tooth sensitivity and decay.
  • Conceals Other Oral Issues – Chronic halitosis or bad breath is often a symptom of health problems. When someone continuously has bad breath, they should consult with their dentist or doctor for any underlying conditions.

Basically, as with everything, mouthwash has its advantages and disadvantages. There are many types of mouthwash, so the best thing is to talk to a dentist to determine whether it is the best course of action and recommend the best type to use. Just remember… mouthwash is never a substitute or shortcut for proper oral hygiene.

Navigating Dental Insurance

Dental insurance can be complicated, but just like general health insurance, it is important to understand the coverage, benefits and out-of-pocket costs associated with your plan.

Understanding Your Coverage

Your dental insurance should cover necessary dental maintenance and emergencies. For example, it is uncommon for insurance to cover for teeth whitening services. The plans layout what is considered protocol on an annual basis and determine how much the dentist receives as compensation. Depending on the coverage, the fees may be paid via direct reimbursement or by submitting claims.

You also need to determine if the dentist or orthodontist you prefer to work with accept your dental health coverage. The majority of policies have “in-network” and “out-of-network” schedules that indicate what they pay and what you pay. To ensure your out-of-pocket costs are as low as possible it’s important to choose an in-network provider.

Determining Your Needs

If you take good care of your teeth and typically don’t have problems, you may want a policy that covers basic care (cleanings and fillings) and emergencies; however, if you haven’t practiced good oral hygiene or anticipate having some more invasive procedures, you may want a more detailed policy. You should also consider whether to include orthodontic coverage.

Selecting Your Coverage

Dental insurance plans provide a list of covered treatments and procedures to give you the opportunity to select the one that fits your needs. You can select plans that cover the basics or plans that provide coverage for more procedures.

Important Considerations

When selecting dental insurance, there are important considerations to know. Always know the following:

  • What is your monthly premium?
  • What is your out of pocket expense for each treatment?
  • What kind of coverage do you want?
  • Do you have lifetime limits?
  • Do you have coverage for family members?
  • Does your coverage include out-of-network dentists?

Dental insurance can be very confusing especially if you have never had it. The majority of companies provide insurance experts through their human resources departments; don’t be afraid to ask questions. If you are getting coverage on your own, ask the customer service representative your questions. Once you have all your information, you can make an informed decision. And, of course, if you have questions about how the services at Wright Orthodontics fits into your dental insurance plan, contact us.

Four Indications You May Need Orthodontics

The American Association of Orthodontics recommends children see an orthodontist at age seven for an initial evaluation. This gives orthodontists a base of comparison as they grow and allows them to determine if there are any issues that might require early intervention. The most common issues that create orthodontic challenges include crooked or overcrowded teeth, gaps, misaligned jaws, speech issues and teeth misalignments.

#1: Crooked or Overcrowded Teeth

Whether baby teeth fell out too early or teeth just seemed to come in out of alignment, the result is crooked teeth. Crooked or overcrowded teeth can easily make people feel self-conscious about their appearance, especially when smiling. Luckily, orthodontics can reposition teeth for a bright and bold smile.

#2: Too Much Space Between Teeth

While some children have problems with overcrowding, others have too much space between their teeth. Braces straighten teeth to close the gaps.

#3: Speech Concerns

Speech impediments such as lisps are often due to the misalignment of the teeth. Orthodontics repositions teeth so that they are properly aligned thus greatly diminishing or eliminating common speech issues.

#4: Misaligned Jaw

One of the many benefits of orthodontics is the ability to realign the jaws so that they fit together as they should. This is something that orthodontists may detect during early intervention.

Orthodontics corrects a host of problems within the mouth and structure of the face, whether functional or cosmetic. If you’re interested in seeing an orthodontist, please contact us to set up a consultation with Dr. Marc S. Wright today.

Before & After Smile Gallery

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3019-B North Druid Hills Rd NE Atlanta, GA 30329

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990-B Whitlock Avenue NW Marietta, GA 30064

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  • Monday: 8:30 am – 5:00 pm
  • Tuesday: 8:30 am – 5:00 pm
  • Wednesday: 8:30 am – 5:00 pm
  • Thursday: 8:30 am – 5:00 pm
  • Friday: 8:30 am – 5:00 pm
  • Monday: 9:00 am – 5:00 pm
  • Tuesday: 9:00 am – 5:00 pm
  • Wednesday: 9:00 am – 5:00 pm
  • Thursday: 9:00 am – 5:00 pm
  • Friday: 9:00 am – 5:00 pm
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